What Uses More Electricity: Microwave or Toaster Oven?

Probably you have or you are planning to purchase microwave or toaster oven. On the other hand you are also conscious about electricity bill. That is the reason you are here to understand the actual consumption of electricity for each.

Both of the appliance is necessary and most used in household. Don’t get confuse, we are here to give you the result of each that will help you to come in a decision.


We know microwave and toaster oven both of the appliances are used to heat or warm the food. Both of them are faster to heat but there are different consumption of electricity and usage for each. By knowing the energy consumption of each will help you to make a decision.

What Uses More Electricity Microwave or Toaster Oven

Let’s know What is Energy Consumption:

Before starting the whole point you have to understand how does energy consumption measured. The usage of electricity unit is considered as Watt (W) and that indicated the amount of energy used per second. On the other hand total energy consumption is calculated in Kilowatt-hours (kWh) that indicates the energy consumed on a specific period mostly in a hour.

Let’s Know What is Microwave Oven:

Generally a microwave oven is an appliances which is used electromagnetic radiation to heat food in the kitchen before eating. And the electromagnetic waves that penetrate any food and causes water modules to vibrate and heat the food by generating specific amount of heat. A microwave can heat food in couple of minutes.

Let’s Know What is Toaster Oven:

A toaster oven is smaller than microwave and it produces heat using heating element. Toaster oven typically used for baking, broiling and toasting purposes. A toaster oven is multi tasking appliance that can use for vast purposes.

Lets Discuss Energy Usage Comparison of Both:

Lets get back to the main point, according to the energy consumption microwave is more energy saving that the toaster oven. A microwave consume 700 to 1300 watts of energy but it may vary according to the size of microwave. On the other hand toaster oven generally consumes between 1200 to 1800 watts.

To make a accurate result you can test both for 15 minutes and if you have 1000 watt microwave oven and 1500 watt toaster oven then the consumption will be 0.25 kWh for microwave and 0.375 for the toaster oven that use energy per day. If we calculate for a whole month then microwave burns 7.5 kWh and toaster oven burns 11.25 kWh energy.

Energy Usage Factors:

The energy burning of the microwave and the toaster oven differs in several factors. For example:

Wattage: We all know a higher wattage machine uses more energy.

Cooking Time: Longer cooking time burns more energy.

Cooking Type: Some cooking like broiling and baking burns lot of energy.

Size of Appliances: The more large appliance you use the more energy it burns.

Which is More Efficient Between Microwave and Toaster Oven?

We already know that microwave is much efficient and burns less energy than a toaster oven. But before making a decision we also recommend to consider your cooking habits and your needs. If you are used to toaster oven and don’t want to move then you should go for a toaster oven but if you still want to save electricity then go for microwave.

Energy Saving Tips (Microwave & Toaster Oven)

  1. Right Size Appliance Usage: If you regularly using heating to small amount of food then you must use a small appliance like toaster oven instead of big or large appliance like convention oven.
  2. Using with Appropriate Settings of Appliances: Use timer for your heating food so that it could not over heat or use extra heat. You must also set up all the relevant settings before using appliance.
  3. All You Need to Clean Regularly: You must clean all of your appliance regularly if it is used or not.
  4. Switch Off: Turn off your appliance after usage and finished your task. It will save your electricity.

Final Words:

At the end we can say that both microwave and toaster oven is important and useful appliances. When it comes to regular usage and habit then you can make your choice according to your need. When it comes to the long time usage and energy saving then you should go with microwave oven. Hope all the information we discussed will help you choosing your suitable one. If you have the both appliances then it will be best to use them according to the need.

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